Rickey Moss

Rickey’s art and designs are reminiscent of patterns found in tapestries. Using mostly inks on paper, he creates dynamic compositions sometimes drawing connections to his interests in tattoos, biker culture, and Native American design. He shows a strong attention to positive and negative space, color interaction, and color theory. Rickey is prolific in making his drawings, and since his arrival at Imagine That! in 2012, he has made hundreds of designs and has shown work in multiple venues throughout the Kansas City area. These includes his art being featured on a bus stop as a part of Art in the Loop, and a large mural installation in Philadelphia.

During the installation of his mural in Philadelphia

Intersections, part of Art in the Loop Kansas City, MO

Selected Shows

2024- Group Show, Flock Salon, Kansas City Missouri  

2023- Process May Vary: A collection of Prints, Imagine That! Kansas City, Missouri  

2023- Peripheral Visions, Kansas City Public Library’s Central Library, Kansas City, Missouri 

2022- Song, Systems and Structures, Troost Gardens, Kansas City, Missouri 

2019- 5200 Hours, Mural by Rickey Moss, RHD Cooperate Office, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  

2016 - Intersections, Art in the Loop: Connections, Kansas City, Missouri 

2014 - Drawings by Rickey, RAYGUN, Kansas City, Missouri