Parker Levi

Parker’s work reflects his personality; organized, detailed, and thorough. Parker creates many works dealing with patterns, grids, repetition, and repurposing. Parker’s process relies less on traditional art forms and more on utilizing or incorporating an object that would otherwise be discarded. Adding more common mediums like thread, yarn, or wood, he gives these objects a new life and a place to exist.

Reused shelving

Old Louver

Wire spindle

Have you gotten the new software update on your phone yet?
— Parker

Selected Shows

2022- Smoke In the Air, Lodger at Holsum Studios, Kansas City, Missouri 

2023- Peripheral Visions, Kansas City Public Library’s Central Library, Kansas City, Missouri 

2022- Knitty Gritty, Imagine That! Kansas City, Missouri 

2021- a Little Undefined, Lodger Gallery at Agnes Arts, Kansas City Missouri 

2020- Timekeepers, KC Artists Coalition, Kansas City, Missouri 

2019 - Knot Today, Satin, Imagine That! Kansas City, Missouri 

2018 - Fiber Milk, Imagine That! Kansas City, Missouri 

2016- Group Exhibition, Longview Cultural Arts Center, Lee’s Summit, Missouri