Jeremy Myers

Jeremy is the kind of guy that can make friends with anyone. His art is a reflection of his caring and outgoing personality. He focuses on the aspect of community and the structures that house them. His drawings and paintings are warm and inviting, displaying different colorful homes and buildings he hopes to inhabit or he hopes his loved ones inhabit. Jeremy is a homebody and revels in building the perfect home for the people he loves. Home is a place that is built with love, hope and the sense of belonging. Many of Jeremy’s pieces include a whole neighborhood of houses or apartments, each different, but yet similar, to the rest. He builds a community. When Jeremy draws a big apartment building, he is thoughtful about what’s inside, who lives there and how they live their lives.

Colors play an integral part of Jeremy’s message. He chooses colors that are playful and makes his buildings look worn yet abundant. A cottage made of rainbow bricks, an apartment building with stripes, and a neighborhood with different gemtone doors all play around with the individual preferences, yet prominently places them in a group.

While he tends to gravitate to structures, Jeremy isn’t afraid to experiment with the medium he chooses. He has worked with many new mediums and is still enthusiastic to try more. He has worked with sculpture, oil pastel, chalk pastel, paper mache and many more.

The Pillow House

The Neighborhood

The Plaza

The Neighborhood 2